The article discusses the subsumption of democratic processes in Slovenia under the nation and capital following the break up with the Yugoslav community. The post-socialist democracy process in Slovenia has been strongly affected by the idea of a neoliberal free market and secession from Balkan. Democracy has become a victim of political elites and exclusive nationalism. People are more and more dissatisfied with the consequences of such policies, as was also revealed during the protest of the 15o movement on 15 October 2011 in Ljubljana. Based on this protest, the author takes an effort to analyze the discourse of the protest to seek out signs of social change in the direction of a new biopolitical society. From the analysis, it is concluded that the 15o movement is an important one, based on bio-political statements, and founded on ideas of social security, production of common, horizontal democracy, justice of sharing, and trading capitalism for a biopolitical paradigm.